Turning Waste Into Resources: Reducing Environmental Impact
Re Sustainability is a trusted leader in the management of municipal solid waste, with a capacity to handle and manage more than 5 million tons of waste every year. Our commitment to sustainability is evident in our ability to ensure that no waste is dispersed into the surroundings, while also creating value out of it.
With a daily waste management capacity of over 13500 tons, we possess the expertise to handle the treatment and disposal of waste on a large scale. Our focus on sustainability has led us to develop innovative solutions for reducing the carbon footprint generated by distinctive solid waste materials. By converting waste into useful compost, we create a valuable resource that enhances soil health and supports sustainable agriculture.
At Re Sustainability, we are proud to be the largest producer of RDF and compost in India, a testament to our commitment to creating value out of waste. Additionally, we have successfully converted landfill gas methane into automotive fuel, a ground-breaking achievement that is the first of its kind in the country.
Through our dedication to innovation and sustainability, we continue to be a leader in the field of waste management and waste-to-product conversion.

Building healthy soils and communities through composting
The waste-to-compost process adds to sustainability by reducing greenhouse gas emissions
The compost derived from solid waste is a soil amendment with high nutrient content. This aids in the development of robust vegetation
We maintain the largest producer of city compost in the country. Close to 100000MT compost is produced annually.
compost is a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers that are harmful to the environment.
The compost is produced from locally-sourced municipal solid waste, reducing transportation costs and supporting the local economy.
Turning Combustible Waste Components Into
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
- Our team converts domestic and industrial solid waste (including plastics, metals, glass, and other materials) into RDF.
- Biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials are segregated to remove residual material during the shredding process.
- The RDF we produce has a high calorific value and is suitable for use in heat and power plants.
- We extensively utilize RDF in our Waste to Energy Plants, and the remaining RDF is dispatched to distinctive cement factories in India.
- Rejected RDF and cement factory ash are scientifically managed for sanitary landfill.
- Over4000 tons of RDF produced every day.
Methane to Mobility: Converting landfill gas into a Cleaner Commute
- We work to minimize the extensive accumulation of harmful greenhouse gases like methane, as well as toxic odors, leachates, and fumes that result from frequent fires.
- We work to minimize the extensive accumulation of harmful greenhouse gases like methane, as well as toxic odors, leachates, and fumes that result from frequent fires.
- We are a major contributor to the conversion of toxic wasteland gases, reducing carbon sequestration and controlling emissions, making a significant positive impact on the environment.
- The Large-Scale Compressed Biogas Plant at HiMSW in Hyderabad was awarded the CII GreenCO Most Innovative Award in 2021, recognizing our commitment to innovation and sustainability.
Our Municipal Solid Waste Management Services
Sustainable Impact of Municipal Solid Waste Management

Tons Handled
Per Day

States In India

Years Of

24 MW
Largest WTE In India